How to Increase Metabolism for Weight Loss?

How to Increase Metabolism for Weight Loss

Metabolism is one of the most commonly used words when discussing weight loss, Let's discover what it means, how it affects your weight, and what you can do to increase metabolism for weight loss.

The word metabolism often refers to the summation of all chemical reactions that occur in living organisms, including digestion and the expenditure of energy when various bodily processes take place. We often stumble upon this word when learning about weight loss and weight gain because metabolism and the processes that define it are heavily responsible for your weight.

Let's understand further what it means, how it affects your weight, and what you can do to increase metabolism for weight loss.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is defined as the function of the body involving processing, generating, absorbing, and storing energy whenever food is consumed and energy is needed for performing daily activities. Metabolism refers to the necessary chemical reactions in organisms to sustain life. The primary functions of metabolism are the drawing out of energy from food to make energy available for running cellular processes, and the breaking down of food into the building blocks of proteins, lipids and some carbohydrates. It is also important for the removal of metabolic wastes from the body.

The word metabolism in the context of fitness is often mixed up with the term BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).

What is Basal Metabolic Rate?

BMR refers to the burning of calories for daily activities and meeting the energy needs of the body at rest. Your basal metabolic rate is responsible for burning calories at rest and differs from person to person. The factors that determine BMR are mainly Age, diet, body size, physical activity, body composition, body size and health status.

Increase and Decrease in BMR

The general perception is that a fast metabolism is indicative of people who are thin and don't gain weight easily, therefore, they are at liberty to eat whatever they want without worrying much about their weight.

Slow metabolism is often associated with overweight and obese people or people who are extremely conscious of what they eat because they gain weight very easily and it's even harder to lose weight. Naturally many try to find ways to increase metabolism for weight loss by burning more calories when resting than usual.

How to Increase Metabolism for Weight Loss Without Exercise

Exercise is an extremely important part of your life, it also improves your chances to increase metabolism for weight loss. You can increase your metabolism for weight loss without exercise as well. Here are some things you can adopt in your lifestyle to boost your metabolism

  • Eat at regular times
  • The National Medical Library advises people to eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day to prevent extreme swings in fullness and hunger which are regulated by the hormones leptin and ghrelin. Fat-burning foods include proteins and legumes. We, however, advise you not to engage in late-night snacking.

  • Eat enough calories
  • Reducing calories does not increase the metabolic rate, but modifying the source of calories a person consumes may be a strategy to increase it. Protein, for example, may be more likely than carbohydrates or fat to promote thermogenesis, the burning of calories in the body.

    According to the National Medical Library, eating too few calories can cause the metabolism to slow down so that the body can store energy. Females between the ages of 18 and 30 require 1,600–2,400 calories per day, depending on how active they are. Women may require an extra 452 calories during pregnancy and lactation, depending on the trimester or age of the baby while nursing. Those of the same age range as men require 2,000–3,000 calories daily.

  • Drink green tea and oolong tea
  • Green and Oolong teas contain antioxidants such as caffeine and catechin. Some studies suggest they can help increase metabolism for weight loss by burning off calories. the National Medical Library says any increase is likely minimal but green tea may help manage weight and health in other ways.

    How to Speed Up Metabolism Naturally

  • Lifting weights
  • Lifting weights and doing exercises with your own body weight or resistance bands can help you gain muscle. Strength training may slightly increase a person's rate of metabolism while at rest.  It helps you develop lean muscle mass so that you don’t face a weight loss plateau effect.

  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
  • HIIT training involves very intense bursts of activity.

    Our recommended way of getting started with such training is to start with something you are already familiar with, like running or biking. A cardio routine coupled with 2-minute intervals is a wonderful way to get started. Start by running for 5 minutes and then walk for 2 minutes for a total duration of 30 minutes.

  • Reduce stress
  • Research on the relationship between stress and metabolic rate is ongoing. Various studies have discovered that persistent stress levels appear to be associated with an increase in appetite, food consumption, or weight. Still, stress could have an indirect effect by affecting eating patterns and sleep, both of which can increase metabolism for weight loss.

  • Get sufficient sleep.
  • An individual's metabolism, hunger, and appetite are all influenced by sleep. A disturbed sleeping schedule can impact the entire body's metabolism. The need for sleep varies between individuals, but the National Medical Library recommends having at least 7 hours per night for adults ages 18–60.

    Drinks That Speed Up Your Metabolism

    You can cut back on sugar by drinking green tea instead of sugar-filled juices and sodas.

    Drinking green tea throughout the day can help a person stay hydrated. The antioxidants in green tea may help reduce the risk of inflammation, cell damage, heart disease, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

    It is safe to consume up to 8 cups of green tea per day. People should speak with a doctor before increasing their intake of green tea or consuming it during pregnancy. It may interact with some medications. During pregnancy, it may increase the risk of problems with fetal development due to low folic acid levels. Additionally, you can also try cinnamon water for weight loss, which can also contribute to reducing your belly fat.

    Supplements to Boost Metabolism for Fat Loss

  • Get enough vitamins
  • Vitamins play an essential role in metabolism. B vitamins are directly involved in the process by which the body uses food calories for energy. A low intake of various B vitamins could affect the rate at which the body metabolizes lipids, including cholesterol and triglycerides.

  • Good Quality Pre-workout supplements
  • If you are a dedicated gymgoer, pre-workout supplements can be a wonderful addition to your routine if you are aiming to increase your metabolism for weight loss. Pre-workout supplements have caffeine, which can temporarily boost metabolism for weight loss, and boost your energy when working out, making your session more productive. It is easier to build muscle by exercising when you take pre-workout supplements. By building more muscle, your basal metabolic rate increases, so you burn more calories at rest. We would recommend Gibbon Nutrition’s Pre-workout supplements. You can even check out our whey protein isolate or other workout supplements at our online shop.

    Foods That Increase Metabolism and Burn Fat

  • Protein Rich Foods
  • Protein causes a contemporary increase in metabolism- this is because of TEF (thermic effect of food), the TEF measures the calories burned in digesting, absorbing, and processing food. 20%-30% of usable energy from protein is used up for the expedition of metabolism, on a comparative basis, 3%-10% of usable energy in carbohydrates and 0%-3% usable energy in fats is used up for metabolism.

    Protein reduces the drop in metabolic rate that occurs due to losing weight which happens because of the loss of muscle when people diet. So protein can help prevent muscle loss when dieting and boost metabolism after weight loss.

  • Eat spicy foods
  • It has been suggested that eating spices such as chilli, which contains capsaicin, can increase metabolic rate, including the rate at which the body burns fat and uses energy. However, the National Medical Library says that while eating hot chillies might temporarily boost metabolic rate, it is unlikely to have a significant effect.

    How to Increase Metabolism After Weight Loss

    After weight loss, many often suffer from a slow metabolism due to a loss of muscle in the body. This is often referred to as the weight loss plateau effect. One way to avoid this is by losing weight slowly instead of immediately expecting your body to adapt to a lighter body by extensive dieting. Another way to increase metabolism after weight loss is to incorporate protein-rich foods in your diet - chicken, fish etc, and even legumes should be consumed. This way you will build muscle which will lead to burning more calories at rest. Drinking water also helps improve your basal metabolic rate.

    Foods to Increase Metabolism After Weight Loss

    As discussed earlier, increasing metabolism after weight loss often proves to be a challenge for those who have lost weight in a short period due to an excessive or strict routine. In order to increase metabolism after weight loss, it is recommended to alter one’s diet to include eggs, flaxseeds, lentils, chilli peppers and other protein-rich foods, They will help the body build muscle and therefore boost your metabolism after weight loss, it is recommended to couple a protein-rich diet with exercise to build lean muscles.

    How Can You Increase Metabolism for Weight Loss If You Have Hypothyroidism?

    Seek treatment. A slower metabolism can occur in people with low thyroid hormone levels. The hormone thyroid stimulates the synthesis of compounds that raise body temperature, respiration rate, and oxygen consumption. This calls for more energy to be used. On the other hand, hypothyroidism, or low thyroid hormone, is associated with a lower resting metabolic rate and an increased risk of weight gain. The resting metabolic rate of individuals with hypothyroidism may rise when they take drugs that raise thyroid hormone levels. By getting treatment for hypothyroidism, you can increase your metabolic rate and lower your chance of developing problems from the disorder.

    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

    1. How to speed up my metabolism for weight loss?

    Build muscle through strength training, staying active eating protein-rich foods, drinking plenty and getting enough sleep, consider small, frequent meals.

    2. How to increase metabolism for weight loss?

    Try strength training exercises to build lean muscle mass, as muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, Incorporate walking, cycling, or dancing, to boost your metabolism, Include protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and nuts in your diet, as protein requires more energy to digest and can help maintain muscle mass, drink plenty of water as dehydration can slow down your metabolism. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

    3. Which foods increase metabolism?

    foods high in iron, such as spinach and other leafy greens, and spicy foods, like chilli peppers, green tea, whole grains, and lean proteins like chicken and fish.

    4. How can I trick my metabolism into burning fat?

    By using a few different tricks, you can "trick" your metabolism into burning fat more efficiently. Eat adequate protein first. Protein requires more energy for your body to digest than fats or carbohydrates do. This is because protein has a higher thermic effect. Furthermore, incorporating strength training into your exercise routine can help you build muscle, which boosts your metabolism. Finally, getting enough sleep and managing stress can help maintain a healthy metabolism.

    5. What is the 2 2 2 method of metabolism?

    Eating every two hours, stopping two hours before bed, and eating two hours after waking up are all part of the 2 2 2 metabolism method. It helps regulate blood sugar levels and therefore maintain the metabolic rate throughout the day.