Is Pre-Workout Bad for You?

Is Pre Workout Bad for You - Gibbon Nutrition

The question of the hour, Is pre-workout bad for you? If you are looking to get a better body or signed up for a gym membership but are still scared to get started, Don't worry, We know It feels like Neverland, but we’ll sort everything out for you. Let's start with the first question, 

Is it bad to take pre-workout? Is it worth the hype?

Some of you are already hooked on the pre-workout lifestyle and seeing amazing results, but social media or some unverified articles keep telling you to ruin your routine with the hypothesis that pre-workout has side effects long term.

This piece will clear all your doubts, as we provide a comprehensive guide on what exactly is in the pre-workout that you’re consuming, what it's doing for your workout, and whether it's good or bad.

What Exactly is A Pre-Workout Supplement?

A pre-workout supplement is a mixture of caffeine, creatine, BCAAs, beta-alanine and many other elements in different measurements. It has to be consumed 20-30 minutes before the workout. It aims to increase your muscle endurance, muscle strength, alertness, and muscle recovery.

An important thing to remember is that pre-workout only makes your fitness journey less difficult and, hence, more productive, but it’s pointless if you don't straighten out and start working out on your own.


“There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
- Morpheus (The Matrix: Movie)


So after reading this, make sure you go to the gym. By knowing, what is pre-workout, you can also take a deep dive into the guide to pre-workout and how you can use it .

Is Pre-Workout Necessary?

You can hit the gym without pre-workout as well, the disadvantage is that it'll be harder to establish a routine muster the same amount of energy every day and accomplish your short-term goals. A pre-workout doesn’t do any harm to your body - it boosts energy, focus and endurance. It will help you be more productive and, therefore, closer to achieving your dream physique. It is safe to take pre-workout every day.

Does Pre-Workout Cause Hair Loss?

Pre-workout does not cause hair loss, this is a complete myth, There aren't any reputed studies that say pre-workout is directly responsible for hair loss. The most far-fetched study suggests that excess caffeine may increase stress, which can contribute to the loss of hair, but the caffeine in one dosage of pre-workout supplements does not contain that much caffeine.

Is Pre-Workout Bad for Your Heart?

For normal people who have no underlying health issues, pre-workout is harmless for your heart. When you consume pre-workout there is a temporary increase in a heartbeat due to the consumption of caffeine and beta-alanine which is harmless and a normal state is restored in a matter of minutes. Make sure you stick to the dosage which has been scientifically proven to be safe. If you have an underlying heart condition, taking pre-workout before checking it with your doctor can make your condition worse.

Is It Bad to Take Pre-Workout for Your Skin?

For most people, pre-workout is not bad for their skin, but some people might be allergic to a particular ingredient in their pre-workout which might cause a skin reaction, you need to check with your doctor, or even change your pre-workout that doesn't have the ingredient you’re allergic to might do the trick. Some people feel a tingling and flushing sensation on their skin which is temporary and harmless.

Is Pre-Workout Bad for Your Liver and Kidney?

Pre-workout is not bad for your kidney or liver, however, if you have a preexisting health issue related to those organs, we would recommend consulting a doctor before you decide to take pre-workout supplements. Misdirected studies try to say creatine and artificial sweeteners present in a pre-workout are a threat to your kidney and liver when actually the amounts of both in your good quality pre-workout are too little to harm anything. Just make sure you stick to the prescribed dosage.

Is Pre-Workout Bad for You at 14 or 16?

Pre-workout is safe for teenagers at the ages of 14 and 16 to consume, All things considered, they should consume according to the prescribed dosage, moderation is key. It is recommended that teenagers take pre-workouts that aren’t too heavy on caffeine content and suitable for beginners rather than (High-Intensive training) workout supplements. Sports supplements are dietary supplements hence unregulated by safety authorities, so the product may contain banned compounds, allergens, or high amounts of stimulants.

Therefore, teens should only consume pre-workout from a reputable brand that manufactures using safe, high-quality ingredients. Additionally, look for cGMP (current good manufacturing processes) and ‘third-party tested’ markings on labels. Ultimately, A pre-workout is not bad for you, if your age is around 14 or 16.

Is Pre-Workout Bad for Your Teeth?

Like any other foods you consume, you must brush your teeth before you sleep and in the morning so that the remnants don't mess with your oral health. The same applies for pre-workout, if you don't brush, then the contents can cause tooth decay. If you brush your teeth then pre-workout can't harm your teeth.

What are The Main Ingredients in Your Pre-Workout and Their Function?


Caffeine is why most of us get work done every single day, it does wonders, doesn't it?

So it is safe to say that caffeine is effective.

It reduces fatigue in your body and gives you motivation to finish your workout. It also increases alertness, so you can focus better on the exercise you’re undertaking and stay sane in the gym. Usually, a safe amount of caffeine, taken 30-60 minutes before a workout, increases endurance for 1 to 2 hours. 

Caffeine is dangerous if taken in too much quantity, What is too much quantity? Well, if you’re consuming around 375-975 mg of caffeine, you’re harming yourself. You could end up with an upset stomach, confusion and poor sleep.

The good news is- that a good quality pre-workout contains 85 to 300mg of caffeine, which is great. 


Beta-alanine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in your body. Beta-alanine also leads to the production of other elements like carnosine. Carnosine stored in your body is important as it maintains the pH level of your muscles. Therefore, the Beta Alanine in your pre-workout will delay fatigue, confusion, and muscle strain during high-intensity workouts.

Nonetheless, Beta-Alanine is a chemical that still requires research, which is why good quality pre-workouts only have them in smaller quantities.

BCAAs ( Branched-Chain Amino Acids)

BCAAs can be found in your daily diet as well. BCAAs are present in dairy, meat, and legumes, which is evidence enough that consuming BCAAs can't do any harm to your body. They reduce fatigue and mainly aim for muscle growth.

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is another element that naturally occurs in our body, it is also found in seafood and red meat. It is added in small quantities to pre-workout supplements because it helps stimulate the body processes that influence muscle size and strength. So you’ll be able to do more sprints than usual if you have more creatine monohydrate in your system. Athletes are big fans of creatine because it improves athletic performance and provides quicker recovery than usual.

B Vitamins

B vitamins are an essential nutrient in everyone's diet. It can be found in chicken, fish and dairy products. It helps in the production of energy in your body. Exercise can increase the need for b vitamins in your body, especially vitamin B2 and vitamin B6. Your protein and supplement intake should therefore increase to restore balance.

So it's a good idea to take pre-workout supplements to meet this new need of your body as you navigate improving your diet during your fitness journey.

L-arginine and Nitric Oxide

L- arginine is one such element that helps increase blood flow by dilating the blood vessels. With increased blood flow, your body gets more blood, which results in more oxygen for your muscles to do aerobic respiration. Obviously, more nutrients are available to the body for recovery and the burning of calories. Nitric oxide does a similar thing. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels to increase blood flow during your pump.

We would recommend not taking pre-workout at night as it can mess with your sleep and show pre-workout side effects long term. In compliance with that, working out at night is counterproductive, In the day your energy levels are highest so that's the best time to get your pump.

Do I Need Dietary Consultations?

It is important to consult your dietician before you commit to a workout supplement because you might be allergic to some components. For example, people who are sensitive to caffeine can get anxiety from the consumption of caffeine. People unable to process Niacin or Beta-Alanine, consumption of too much can lead to redness of the skin, numbness and tingling (if your pre-workout has ever made it feel like ants are crawling on your hands and legs, you need to switch to a better quality pre-workout like Gibbon Nutrition’s Level 10.

“Too much of anything is bad” applies to pre-workout as well, constant consumption of pre-workout in a single period to repeatedly get an energy kick can cause insomnia and quick exhaustion. Bad-quality pre-workouts are the biggest sin on this planet, one can end up with high blood pressure, and gastric problems like diarrhoea, racing heart and nausea.

Never Try ‘Dry Scooping’

Recently Instagram trends have popularised the activity of ‘dry scooping’ in which people are directly consuming pre-workout from the barrel without mixing it to get a higher boost of energy and more ‘hit’.

This a horrible practice, as it can have fatal effects on your health. Dry scooping can cause choking leading to aspiration pneumonia. Always mix your pre-workout supplement with water, shakes or even food.

There are a lot of misconceptions about pre-workout online, and we hope this clears up some of them. Pre workout is not bad for you at all, it is essential to your success in the gym. 


In conclusion, a Pre-workout supplement is not bad for you as long as you stick to the dosage, consult a dietician to know if you’re allergic to anything in your pre-workout supplement and most importantly consume a good quality pre-workout. It is safe to use pre-workout every day. We would recommend Gibbon Nutrition’s Pre-workout supplements.

Gibbon Nutrition’s Pre-Workout is Your Best Gym Buddy

The best pre-workout supplement complements your fitness needs and goals. The products should be produced using scientific studies and customer wishes for desirable and effective results.

Here are our recommendations:

We even offer our pre-workout in interesting flavours, you can enjoy their taste while prepping for your gym session. Gibbon Nutrition's pre-workouts are specially created to speak to those determined to achieve their best physique.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


Is it ok to take pre-workout regularly?

Yes, it's okay to take pre-workout regularly if you consume only the prescribed amount.

How unhealthy is pre-workout?

Pre-workout is not unhealthy, It contains elements that your body extracts from various healthy sources of food as is, so the compounds present in a good quality pre-workout are organic and natural for your body to process.

Is pre-workout actually safe, if yes, how much is it safe?

Pre-workout is safe when taken in prescribed amounts and the people consuming do not have any underlying health conditions.

Is pre-workout bad for you long-term?

Pre-workout is not bad in the long term when consumed according to the dosage prescribed.

Does pre-workout have sugar?

Pre-workout may or may not have sugar depending on the one you decide to buy.

How much caffeine is in pre-workout?

Good quality pre-workout has 85-325 mg of caffeine, this amount of caffeine is safe to consume regularly.

Is it bad to eat pre-workout powder?

It is very harmful to directly consume pre-workout powder, one must mix it in their beverage of choice. Dry scooping can cause aspiration pneumonia and other long-term problems.